5-String Banjos

5-String Banjos


Perfect 5-String Banjo


'Perfect' for the player who demands easy playability. 

Your ideal entry-point into the exciting world of 5-string banjos, the ''Perfect'' series were first created by Messrs Barnes & Mullins at the start of the 1900s and formed the very core of the early B&M instrument offering.

Featuring a mahogany resonator and an aluminium rim with a Remo WeatherKing head and mahogany neck, Barnes & Mullins Perfect banjos deliver a warm and controlled sound with an easy playing feel well suited to all, even absolute beginners. 




Rathbone 5-String Banjo


Ready to move up in the banjo world? The Rathbone banjo is just the thing... 

The Barnes & Mullins 'Rathbone' banjo is a handsome 5-string named after Rathbone Place, London: the home of Messrs Barnes and Mullins in the early 1900s. 

The mahogany neck, resonator and rim are complemented by a striking black Remo WeatherKing head, combining a stylish modern aesthetic with a traditional rich, warm tone and a smooth playing response.


Rathbone 5-String Banjo - Electro


If you want to amplify or add effects to your banjo, the Rathbone Electro is for you. 

A handsome 5-string banjo named after the historic home of Messrs Barnes and Mullins, this BJ400E Rathbone banjo is an electro-acoustic model featuring a humbucker pickup, 1/4" jack output and volume control and is therefore a great choice for when you want to amplify your banjo for recording or as part of a larger band.



Empress 5-String Banjo


A real head turner, ideal for the more accomplished player. 

This beauty features a wonderfully figured burl walnut resonator with a spellbinding marbled grain pattern, combined with a classic walnut rim and neck. Tonally articulate thanks to the walnut tonewoods, the Empress will impress visually and aurally at every turn. 

The Empress is named in honour of the 'RMS Empress of Ireland' steam ship which sank on Canada's St Lawrence River in May 1914 with the loss of over 1000 lives. Sadly, Mr Albert Mullins was one of the lost souls that day.


Troubadour 5-String Banjo


A truly special banjo honouring the Victorian-era banjo publication, 'The Troubadour' 

A superb burled maple 5 string banjo, the Barnes & Mullins 'Troubadour' pays tribute to the monthly music publication 'The Troubadour' issued and created by Mr Bowley Barnes and Albert Mullins from the beginning of their music-hall heyday of 1895.

Featuring a beautifully figured burled maple resonator paired with a maple rim, hard maple neck and appointed with exquisite antique gold engraved fittings, the Troubadour is an enchanting banjo that embodies the legacy and heritage of Barnes & Mullins instruments.